On 12th September  2023 Observance of World suicide Prevention  Day was conducted at ECM High School Siaha, The programme was started with  Devotion  from Sir, B. Vakhai Principal of  ECM H/S Siaha. 

The resource person for this programme was Miss, Merilyne Ms. Mawii Beiho Psychiatric Nurse.  On which she talks about the importance of Suicide prevention, risk factors and warning signs of suicide, She also highlighted prevalence of Suicide in India and the World, She also explained why IASP chose' Creating hope through Action' as a trinniel theme. and how we can create hope to those who are struggling  with suicidal thoughts, no matter how big or small, through our action , by reaching in, encouraging understanding and with sharing experience we can make difference and instil hope to someone in their darkest moments. The programme was closed with pamphlet distribution on suicide prevention. There were 150 students and staff attended the programme